Saturday, October 24, 2009

Believe me, i'm lying.

Why the frick is christmas stuff out already? it's October! you sad sad people. Ya' like chipmunks, collecting mass amounts of walnuts, or in this case chocolate and shit, and store it away like nutters going into hibernation , seriously chocolate has a use by date.

Ate 5 cold rolls today, by god they are heaven on the tastbuds, I don't care that I spent 12 dollars on them. So so so very worth it.

I just figured that i have 2 months left to stay on these god damn skin tablets. no more aching joints and sheets of skin peeling of my lips D: must say i'm pretty happy with my progress, no lumps to be seen :D just redness, lots of it and scarring which I have to wait even longer for to go away. Fingers crosses i'm makeup free by january. I know that sounds far away but it's nothing considering the fact that i've been putting up with this shit for like 3 years.


Really wanna rent a movie but too lazy to leave the house. I feel crap lately, not up with it. Feel's like verything is moving too fast for me.
I want a hug. That's how low i've stooped.
Looking forward to Amber's birthday friday :) have the op. to get all dressed up for once, still have the feeling that the dress is to frilly though -_____-

Sticky photos <3

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